179 Morgan Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11237 | Phone: 1-800-882-9393

Think Outside the Cardboard Box

As a plastic bag manufacturer for over 30 years, we understand how difficult packaging can be. How are businesses supposed to keep up with consumer trends, industry trends and environmental trends, while keeping their products and packages on shelves? Developing the right strategy and strong packaging design requires creativity, a clever mind, and out of the… Continue Reading »

Fun with Fundamentals of Packaging

As you may know, packaging can be broken down into three fundamental elements which, when you combine them, help your packaging achieve its desired goals. The three fundamental functions are: protection, convenience, and communication. Here we breakdown all three and show how your plastic bag manufacturer, Rainbow Polybag, can help. Protection: Your product may require protection from… Continue Reading »

Keep Your Food Packaging Fresh

It’s imperative for custom plastic bags and food product packaging to uphold several standards. You have to be sure your products are packaged to preserve freshness. Second, these products are an extension of your brand; therefore the packaging has to have the proper messaging and design to engage your customers. Finally, your food packaging has… Continue Reading »

Why Quality Trumps Cost for Medical Plastic Bags

Keeping your hospital or medical facility running smoothly is a difficult task; not only do you have to balance the health, satisfaction, and safety of your patients but also your doctors, nurses and staff! Plus with tough economic conditions in the health care industry and tight budgets, purchasing decisions are under tight scrutiny. As a… Continue Reading »

Don’t Let It Rain on My Mailings

If you are sending important mailings to customers or important persons of any type, avoid the embarrassment and cost of ruined parcels due to the unpredictable spring weather. Poly Mailers are custom designed to protect your important parcels from the elements (and human error too). These plastic envelopes are stronger than traditional paper envelopes and lighter than… Continue Reading »