A Vision for Plastics
Categories: Rainbow Polybag Products
Even those of us who are the biggest cheerleaders for plastics, particularly of all the recycling improvements of the past 10 years, can look at the big picture of environmental considerations and say, “We can do even better.”
And as a plastic bag manufacturer, we definitely can.
A big part of fulfilling the true promise of plastics is of continually pushing the envelope of environmental consciousness in our polybags and custom plastic bags and solid stewardship of our planet’s resources and natural settings.
What is the ultimate goal, when it comes to plastic bag manufacturing? Simply, it is nothing short of a world in which plastics continue to play an ever-larger role in the improving of human civilization and when no one has any reservations about plastics, for any reason.
That’s the goal. That’s true north. That’s the direction we’re headed, and that’s where are going to get.
Like all difficult, and important, goals, it really does take a leap of faith. Because, yes, even the revolutionary improvements to recycling that are taking place by the month around the world still leave room for even cleaner, even more efficient, even smaller footprint recycling.
But it has been leaps of faith that got the world where it is today. Whether it was the first human beings to cross the Bering land bridge during the last Ice Age or the Vikings colonizing first Iceland and then Greenland or Magellan circumnavigating the globe or the U.S. space program of the 1950s and ’60s it is always the visionaries who lead the way. It is always those willing to look foolish, temporarily, who lead humankind to the better place, the safer place, the more amazing place.
And plastics have definitively been part of that progress, already with our polybag shop, to a deep level, as we’ve discussed in this space before.
And plastics are for sure going to be part of the remaining journey from a wondrously safer world than our great-grandparents could ever dream of to one safer and better than we can dream of ourselves.
It’ll involve plastics, and it’ll be amazing. You can take that much to the bank.