179 Morgan Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11237 | Phone: 1-800-882-9393

What Does it Take to Reduce?

Like most companies, you understand there is an increasing concern to reduce: whether it’s to reduce waste, reduce the amount of packaging you use, or reduce energy consumption. Knowing that “less is more” is one thing, but being a company that carries out this concept is the difficult part. The question is: how do we replace current packaging, materials, processes or design with sustainable packaging initiatives? If your company is concerned about being able to reduce when it comes to packaging, consider reinventing your packaging strategy to include custom plastic bags.

Custom plastic bags include everything you need for your packaging strategy. We have developed a way to manufacture our packaging using green materials such as recycled resins for roll stock and other custom plastic bags. In the production process, we recycle the printing inks and solvents, as well as all scrap plastics. We also participate in conservation and the use of clean energy during this process.

Additionally, we are a plastic bag manufacturer proudly based in the United States, which benefits you in several ways beyond saving on shipping cost. We obtain ingredients from as close as possible to reduce our carbon footprint and decrease the amount of fossil fuels to ship items to you. Plus we are supporting local suppliers. So not only do you receive the added comfort that when working with us, we only use viable greener materials, but you will also be supporting the “being green, living green, and buying green” movement right at home.

We are happy to partner with those who share our passion for and commitment to our environment. We will work together with you to develop a packaging solution that is of high quality with competitive pricing and great customer service. Together we can create a custom plastic bag and packaging strategy that meets all of your supply, branding, and marketing needs. Contact us today and we can get started on helping you reduce with your packaging!