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Drive Holiday Sales with Custom Printed Promotional Polybags

The holiday sales period is so important to retailers. People are out doing more shopping between Halloween and New Year’s Eve than they do at any other time of year: according to the National Retail Federation,  a specialty retailer can make as much as 28% of their sales during this period.

It’s for this reason that retailers are making their marketing decisions now about the next holiday season. One of the areas to concentrate on is choosing the right promotional bags to be used in your stores.

Choose The Right Promotional Polybags To Drive Holiday Sales

Brightly colored promotional polybags are a powerful branding tool. As shoppers walk through the mall, shopping plaza, and parking lot they pay attention to the bags other shoppers are carrying. The impact of promotional bags increases when these bags are carried on public transit, such as the bus or train. Smart color choice and custom printing make your store immediately visible; think about how eye-catching Victoria Secret’s distinctive pink bags are. Red, green, and blue are among the most popular color choices for holiday promotional bags.

During the holiday season, one way to drive sales is to use language that evokes the feeling your customers want to have after shopping at your store. For example, one gourmet food retailer had tremendous success with promotional bags bearing the legend “Christmas Dinner – Amazing!”

Size matters when creating effective holiday promotional polybags. Custom printed polybags are available in a wide range of sizes, so you’ll want to choose the one that best accommodates your merchandise – with the understanding that the largest bags are noticed the most often.

Custom printed holiday promotional bags can play a role in a social media marketing campaign, such as one where customers are invited to post a selfie of themselves holding the bag in exchange for a discount coupon.  If using this strategy, remember to be bold in your custom promotional polybag design: the more eye-popping the bag, the better!