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Reduce Shipping Cost and Provide More Protection for Your E-Commerce Product

Shipping items sold on an e-commerce site has always required a nuanced approach. The savvy seller wants to provide fast first-class packaging while avoiding a high shipping cost that might deter potential customers.

Removing the weight of the shipping materials is one way to achieve this goal. Poly mailers are very light and have the significant added benefit of being waterproof. They’re straightforward packaging for your soft goods like clothing, linens, yarn and stuffed toys. They’re also strong enough for items like used books.

Using a poly mailer also removes bulk from the item you’re shipping. Not only will this help in situations where the package’s dimensions become a point of increased cost, but it renders the package more deliverable. Consider that many people live in apartment or condo complexes utilizing rows of small lockboxes for resident mail, or imagine a homeowner who has a smaller-sized mailbox. Compare six balls of yarn sent in a stiff 6”x6”x6” cardboard box as opposed to a light moldable plastic bag: the latter is far less likely result in a notice requesting the customer to pick up their item at the post office. When the delivery is made on the first attempt, you’ve provided more customer satisfaction and potential repeat business.

Poly mailers are also customizable, which gives you another opportunity to really stand out among the crowd. There is a wide variety of sizes and colors to choose from. Combined with a professional label, the item is making a positive statement about your business practices before the package is even opened.

Customers value a good deal and they appreciate a well-packaged item with a fast turn-around. Using plastic envelopes and poly mailers will make your packages not only lighter and more manageable both physically and financially, but also decrease the amount of time it takes to arrive.